Prioritizing Core Competencies To Get The Most Out of Employees

HR manager teaching employees about core competencies

We all know about core competencies but just how important are they?
In this blog post, we will show how investing in core competencies helped one Canadian organization during a time of crisis. Discover what core competencies are, their importance and six steps to selecting core competencies for your organization.  


  1. Yes agree with you Chainica. That core competencies are most important to drive result or performances of the organization. Some of core competencies can be identified as drive result, collaborates, customer focus, challenges conventions etc... Also there are some leadership competencies as empower & nurtures, engage & inspiring, shapes transformational strategies. Any way looking forward your Canadian study and how it align with the content.

    1. Thank you for your comment... your thoughts are well enough to inspire my view

  2. Employees are the heart and soul of any organization and improving their core competencies indirectly improves the performance of the organization itself. Many organizations don't apply these theories due to various factors, mostly because they don't believe in investing on their staff. These mindsets of top management could be changed only trough educated, well researched HR managers, convincing the top management and by contributing to the organizational success through improving the core competencies of employees. Good read !

    1. Yes.. i throughly agree with you, Employees are the heart and soul of the organisation.

  3. it's a good idea to learn more about this critical business concept and ... It's important to understand that when we talk about core capabilities, processes or intellectual property, but more often they're skills or competency allows you to stand out in a crowded market from all

    1. Sanjeewani your view in this article is amazing. The greatest point is the skill and competence important for stand alone in the market

  4. If it is an organisation mainly core competencies depend on team work which may be lead in to trust, honesty, organisation, & dependency. How ever when it comes to survival team work of one organisation has to overcome other to be "succeeded" to be achieved.

    1. thank you chamila, highly appreciate your comment. core competencies are critically influence the success of the team work.

  5. Managers drive the core competencies of the corporation to reach its full potential, creating effective and profitable use. Nice approach.

    1. that's true, managers are prioritizing core competencies to get the most out of employees.

  6. Employee’s core competencies are knowledge, capabilities and skills that an employee needs in order to successful in an organization. It is the main pillar of the employee development.

    1. Yes chamalka, thank you for comment. Yes of course core competencies are the main pillar of the employee development.

  7. Nowadays, modern HR practice most of the organization apply competency based workforce development plan

  8. The topic you've chosen is truly great, but i've like if there were more infomation about it in your article.

  9. Good article. Competencies help in bridging the gap between performance and opportunities.


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